A Sense Of Place Publishing


Keysar Trad

This small book renders the forays of the human heart into poetic journeys. The journeys of a serious man who has dedicated his life to help humanity, and the distractions of love that come his way.

The poems reveal the wanderings of the heart in an open and honest manner. The writer is not speaking, it is his emotions, his trapped heart as it struggles to find requital for the offerings it makes and then as it struggles to heal.

Keysar Trad has been a spokesman on issues relating to Islam and Australia’s Muslim community for more than 20 years. In the process he has given thousands of interviews and numerous background briefings to media and other organisations. He is the founder of the Sydney based Islamic Friendship Association of Australia. Forays of the Heart is Keysar Trad’s first book of poetry.

Keysar Trad