Publishing Services

With millions of books published and the market awash with self published works, mainstream publishers are more risk averse than ever.

In a saturated market, A Sense of Place Publishing offers a streamlined, comfortable, high quality path through the difficulties of seeing your publishing project into print and up for sale.

We are primarily focused on book publishing, but can assist with or refer you to a number of other  services, including manuscript assessment, editing, translation and ghostwriting. Whether you’re an individual wanting to record your story, an aspiring author wanting to have a go or a tourist organisation wishing to promote the beauties of your region, A Sense of Place Publishing can help.

Your project will be overseen by the founder of A Sense of Place Magazine, veteran Australian journalist of long standing John Stapleton.

We offer world class cover and interior design.

We also help you establish your own account with the world’s largest online publishers Ingram Sparks so that you have complete control over your own destiny, including your royalty payments. You can see whether any of your marketing campaigns are working. You do not have to wait on anyone to see how your book is doing.

Through Ingram your work becomes available at the world’s leading digital and POD retailers including Amazon, Book Depository, Booktopia, Barnes & Noble and iBooks, as well as through the Ingram Catalog, available to more than 73,000 bookstores.

The author or authors retain copyright.

We are extremely competitively priced and deliver a high quality product. As an indicative price, if your manuscript is ready for publication you can expect to pay in the order of $AUS7200, or $US4800. Here is a Sample Contract.

If a mainstream publisher or movie house takes an interest in your work, you are entirely free to go with them. It is our duty to warn you that publishing a book may be the fulfilment of a personal dream, but it is rarely a get rich quick scheme. That said, fortune favours the brave!! There are no hidden costs.